sobota, 17 września 2011

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Articles here is purchase soma low price Peoria free and easy My Profile Information Context (a.k.a Code/Data Duality) Digital forensics point of view of a computer scientist by Mike Murr September 27, 2006 A concept purchase soma low price Peoria that is prevalent in digital forensics, reverse engineering, exploit analysis, including information theory is that for fully understand the information is necessary to know the context of the information is used in. For example, rank the four pieces purchase soma low price Peoria of information such as purchase soma low price Peoria code or data: 1) promote 0x6F6C6C65 2) hello (without the quotes) 3) 448 purchase soma low price Peoria 378 203 247 4) purchase soma low price Peoria 110100001100101011011000110110001101111 common responses are: 1) code (x86 instructions) 2) data (string) 3) The data (full) 4) code or data (unknown) In fact, all four are coded in-house (at least on Intel architecture) in the same way, so they're all the code and theyre all the data.

Inside the metal box, purchase soma low price Peoria all have the same binary representation.

The key is to know the context purchase soma low price Peoria in which they are used. If you thought purchase soma low price Peoria it was # 1 of the code, probably based on past experience (for example, saw the Assembly before 86). If the four-byte ASCII Hi were in a code segment, then it is possible that they were directed, however, is that they were given. This is because the code and data can be nested, even in a segment of code (as is often done by compilers.) Note: You can skip the next paragraph if you're not really interested in the theory the reason this possible. The application context information in the rest of purchase soma low price Peoria the message. The reason may be the code and the data collected is often attributed to the von Neumann architecture, which stores code and data in a common memory area. Other architectures, such as architecture at Harvard University have separate storage areas for code and data memory. However, it is a matter of implementation, as the context information (or lack thereof) can also purchase soma low price Peoria be seen in Turing machines. In a universal Turing purchase soma low price Peoria machine (UTM), you can purchase soma low price Peoria not distinguish between code purchase soma low price Peoria and data if the coded instructions for both UTM and UTM data with the same set (or subset) of the symbols on the tape.

As the instructions on the UTM purchase soma low price Peoria and UTM data sitting purchase soma low price Peoria on tape, and if they are encoded with the same set (or subset) of the symbols on the tape, then just looking at a particular set of symbols, not purchase soma low price Peoria enough information on how the symbols are used to purchase soma low price Peoria determine whether they are the instructions (for example, move the playhead) or data.

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